- État Fermée
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- Type Bug
- Catégorie WebRadio
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megamov - Système d'exploitation All
- Sévérité Moyenne
- Priorité Haute
- Basée sur la version 1.0
- Due pour la version Non décidée
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FS#123 - Webradio disconnect / reconnect sometimes
Nous avons trouvé un bug dans le système de webradio, toutes les heures il se reconnecte au serveur, nous enquêtons
We found a bug in the webradio system, each hours it reconnect to the server, we are investigating
We found a bug in the webradio system, each hours it reconnect to the server, we are investigating
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We found the bug, it is not a real crash every hour but rather a restart of the broadcast with each new playlist.
Looks like the WebRadio Node need more power for generating our playlists. The server disconnected because the generation was too long.
Successful intervention, we monitor the infrastructure
Still happening, we are monitoring the issue
Still relevant, we believe we have located the source of the problem
It is possible that it is not the generation that caused the disconnection, but the fact that the playlist ends earlier than expected. The explanation could come from the audio fades between the titles / jingles which cut them before the end.
Problem fixed