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FS#121 - New WebRadio system
Nous allons entrer dans une nouvelle année et c'est le moment de changer tout le système technique que j'ai réalisé pour la Webradio depuis juin ([[https://travaux.megamov.fr/index.php?do=details&task_id=75&status%5B0%5D=|Dernière mise à jour Webradio]])
La raison principale est que le système AzuraCast que j'utilise actuellement est trop "playlist", la webradio n'est pas très vivante.
J'ai investi dans un nouveau logiciel de diffusion (RadioBOSS) qui permettra:
* Beaucoup de nouveaux sons sympas sans copyright :P
* Liste de lecture aléatoire par type de son, artiste
* Jingles officiels pour la radio (ENFIN!)
* Système d'historique de diffusion sur le site web (Futures mises à jour)
* VOTE possible pour le prochain son par nos auditeurs (Futures mises à jour)
* Mixage et traitement sonore professionnel (ENFIN!)
J'espère que vous aimerez
//PS : Mise en production prévue fin d'année 2020 première semaine de Janvier, date à confirmer dans les prochains jours ci-dessous//
Hi there, We are going to move into a new year and it's the moment to change the entire technical system I've made for the Webradio since june ([[https://travaux.megamov.fr/index.php?do=details&task_id=75&status%5B0%5D=|Last Webradio update]]) The main reason is that the AzuraCast system I'm using now is too much "playlist like", the webradio is not very alive. I made an investissment into a new broadcasting software (RadioBOSS) that will allow : * A lot of new nice sounds with no copyright :P * Random playlist by type of sound, artist * Official MeGaMoV jingles (FINALLY !) * History system on the website (For a future update) * Possible VOTE for the next sound by our listeners (For a future update) * Mixing and professionnal sound processing (FINALLY !) I hope you will like //PS: Production scheduled for the end of 2020, first week of January, date to be confirmed in the coming days below//
Hi there, We are going to move into a new year and it's the moment to change the entire technical system I've made for the Webradio since june ([[https://travaux.megamov.fr/index.php?do=details&task_id=75&status%5B0%5D=|Last Webradio update]]) The main reason is that the AzuraCast system I'm using now is too much "playlist like", the webradio is not very alive. I made an investissment into a new broadcasting software (RadioBOSS) that will allow : * A lot of new nice sounds with no copyright :P * Random playlist by type of sound, artist * Official MeGaMoV jingles (FINALLY !) * History system on the website (For a future update) * Possible VOTE for the next sound by our listeners (For a future update) * Mixing and professionnal sound processing (FINALLY !) I hope you will like //PS: Production scheduled for the end of 2020, first week of January, date to be confirmed in the coming days below//
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Software ordered and installed. Ready for broadcast New sounds being added Jingles order placed, awaiting reception
Jingles received, being prepared for being add into our playlist
New radio server operational, preparation of a programming schedule
Private beta testing in progress
Conclusive tests, still some updates needed
System ready for production use !
Setting up scheduled between 22h30 and 23h00 UTC
Update in progress, a small cut is expected
Note : In few minuts, 192k stream will be stopped (not really used), now please use one of the following links : stream-320.megamov.radio.fm stream-128.megamov.radio.fm stream-64.megamov.radio.fm
Update done !